Friday, January 24, 2014


Yesterday's breaking news seemed to be all about Justin Bieber and how he got arrested. That too, only a week after JB's neighbors pressed charges against him for apparently egging their house. I haven't read up on the egg incident, but I've heard the neighbors are seeking $20,000 dollars in damages. Whaaaat? How can an egg possibly do that much damage? Regardless, if that is the case, Justin please come egg my house, that's a whole years worth of college I can pay off! Anyways, back to his arrest. Justin Bieber was charged with a DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license after police saw him street racing. Yes, what he did may have been wrong, but it's being blown way out of proportion.

Let's look at each of these offenses separately.

1. Expired License. This one is actually completely understandable. Go ahead and give him a ticket for this one. Come on Justin, don't you have people for this? Just send one of them to a DMV and get it renewed.

2. Resisting arrest. From the police report, it doesn't seem like he was resisting the arrest. "Bieber was defiant from the get-go, yelling at the cops, 'Why the f**k are you doing this?'  He also yelled, 'What the f**k did I do.  Why did you stop me?'" To me, this just sounds like he was asking why he was being arrested. Which he has the right to know. Yes, he was using profanity while asking, but last time I checked - swearing at a cop was perfectly legal. Bieber got out of his car and even admitted to drinking and smoking before he got into the car. Seems pretty compliant to me.

3. Street Racing. He was in a Lamborghini. C'mon who goes the speed limit when driving a Lambo? Also, I don't even think you can call that racing, he was barely going 55mph.You can drive faster than that on highways, or all those cars "street racing" as well?

4. DUI. I completely agree that no one who is drunk should drive. That being said, was Justin drunk? His blood alcohol level was .04. If he was 2 years older that reading would have been okay, as .08 is the limit for those 21 years and over. Also, JB is Canadian. The legal age to drink there is 19. So he has experience drinking. He knows how much his body can handle before he becomes drunk and unfit to drive. Furthermore, it was reported that the musician's entourage had used their cars (big SUVs) to block traffic. So the only person he could have hurt while driving "drunk" would have been himself.

I don't support underage drinking. I just think this "news" story was blown way out of proportion. So, keep smiling Justin.


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