Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I'm a sucker for series books. When The Mortal Instruments movie was coming out, I thought I should start reading the books by Cassandra Clare. The first book really had me hooked! The second also had some great moments, but now I'm on the 4th book and it is dragging!

I'm sick of this Jace&Clary "you're too good for me" "no YOU'RE too good for me" garbage. Simon definitely needs a psychiatrist. He is chalk full of problems: high school dropout, mommy issues, substances abuse (blood), commitment issues both with dealing with being a vampire and his love life. Poor Simon has got them all. Jocelyn is clearly doing a horrible job raising children. The whole Lillith, hellhounds, and vampires with retractable fangs thing was totally done by Supernatural first. Basically, the only part I'm enjoying right now is the awkward Alec & Magnus bit. There should be more of that.

But, no matter how much I don't want to read on, I can't stop. The cliff hangers get me every single time! I have to read them all to see how the series ends. Ugh, it's a terrible problem. lol. I'm personally hoping one of the main characters die soon, simply because I want the book to become interesting again. I believe there are 5 books in the series so far, but a 6th one is set to release this year. Aaaaand, there is a spin--off prequel series which also consists of three more books. So basically, this series will be taking over my life for the next couple months. I hope it ends well!

PS: Don't judge the books based on the movie. The first book was worth the read and I would recommend it to others, the movie on the other hand - not so much. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't all that I built it up to be. I've read that it was a major let down at the box office as well, so much so that they stopped the production of the second film. However, if they do continue to make the movies, I hope they choose new actors for Jace and Clary. Not that I think the current actors did a bad job, it's just that they weren't in ANY way how I imagined the characters to look.

Agree or Disagree?

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