Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I hate my curly hair. It's always frizzy, tangled, and has a mind of it's own. Growing up, I was the girl with the fro, then the fro began to look like a chia pet and it eventually transformed into a poodle. Every attempt to tame the curls always ended up backfiring. So I just gave up. That is when me and my hair straightener became best friends. Yes, this solved my problem but it created a new problem. Since I was straightening my hair almost every day, it got tremendously damaged! My split-ends had split-ends. It was terrible. This again forced me find a way to deal with the curls. I tried a plethora of gels, mousses, and sprays. It was an okay fix. My hair was no longer frizzy but it was making my hair firm and crunchy. I didn't want that either, so I just kept wearing it up. My bun game got intense. But don't worry ladies I have finally figured out the secret to combat the curly hair curse.
  • It starts in the shower. Get the right shampoo. Most commercial shampoo's have chemicals that will weigh down your curls. Go for the organic shampoo! Natural ingredients are always the way to go. They provide excellent nutrients for your hair.
  • Condition. Condition. Condition. Curly hair responds very well to conditioner. Of course wash your hair, but it isn't necessary to shampoo your hair every time you step into the shower. Conditioning on the other hand is a must!
  • Take a hairbrush into the shower. If you have curly hair you know that once you brush it, it looks completely different. But you have to brush it because curly hair can turn into dreadlocks in no time. To solve this problem, brush your hair while you are in the shower. That way you can detangle it, and your curl will retain its spiral shape.
  • Air dry is key. I NEVER use a hair dryer. It make my curls extremely frizzy! Just wrap you hair in a towel and let it air dry. It does take longer, but trust me it's worth it.
  • Buy a good leave in conditioner. It's a must have item for curly hair. It will combat the fizziness, define your curls, and leave you with the natural look.
I hope the tips work. Good luck!

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